2025, Shedding My Skin
If you know anything about me, whether strictly professionally, or personally, you know 2024 was a DOOZY in my personal life. From a house fire, a car accident, losses, and betrayal, I was ready for that midnight countdown to bring about a new start. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HELLO 2025!
I realize that just because a calendar moves up a digit doesn't mean I’m suddenly untroubled, the exact opposite could be argued. Plus just 6 days after entering 2025 I turned 33. With the leveling up of my age and being forced to face some of my demons that followed me from 2024 I entered this new year with desire, nay, a determination to make 2025 MY YEAR OF GROWTH. The cosmos are on my side, divinely befitting, it also happens to be the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Snake. What a metaphor. Shedding my skin, keeping myself rooted deep inside while also growing, expanding, creating a new flesh, a new layer of myself.
I want 2025 to be my year of adaptation. No matter what is thrown at me this year, I want to hold my head high, take a breath, and face the problem or incident with grace and love. No matter the circumstances. Once again if you know me, you know that’s easier said than done, but Hey! I’m working on it.
That brings us to my work. RubiSlippers Creations has been nothing short of my saving grace, allowing me creativity and direction when everything else in my life has been upside-down. This year I want to beat my previous sales record, I want to be a more confident and headstrong small business owner, and I want to spread the love which is RubiSlippers Creations even farther!
All the surreal elegance you’ve come to expect from me will be ever present, but with the shedding of my past skin I want to shed some of my fears. Fear of failure, fear of expectations, and I want to grow, I want to expand. With that expansion comes some new additions to my RubiSlippers Repertoire. I will be adding additional focus to my bone work, to rings, and introducing small-batch handmade Candles!
I have always had an interest in candle making, going as far back as when I was in Girl Scouts in my youth, and I decided to give it a go! I will be creating beautiful scents to accompany my surreal and themed limited candle selections. I have already begun work on my Lunar New Year Candle collection and my Valentine’s Day collection. More will be coming.
The smells I choose to work with will be cozy and familiar, evoking calm, relaxation, and mindfulness. The designs will be a range, but always count on the surreal.
I will only be selling my candles in the cooler months, or at indoor markets. I don’t need the summer heat melting my beauties before you get a chance to!
If you read this far, you’re awesome and I owe you a free sticker. Thank you. Thank you for your time, for supporting my business, and for hopefully being as excited as I am about what 2025 has in store. The world may be shadows, but we can find the light. Once we shed that old outer layer and grow, we can do anything!