Interview with a Ms. Piggy

Today we are going to get a little personal. I was interviewed by BOLD JOURNEY, the online magazine that gives small businesses, artists, and kind humans a platform to share their stories. I was honored to be selected for questions regarding my RubiSlippers Creations. Telling my story as a plus size surrealist, who views the world a bit differently is something I dream of doing through my art, my creations, my written word, and now an interview, which you can read HERE.

Ironically, today was the first time I got a mean, or “trolling” comment on one of my Instagram Reels and in an odd way, it was satisfying. One, because the comment was boring and unoriginal, calling me a “Pig” for taking a bite of avocado toast, when the opportunity to call me an alcoholic was right there (in the video I sip a Frosé and a Michelada back to back) and that would have been funny and creative. Yet, of course, the bully comment was about my size. Snooze Fest. However, it gives me the perfect opening to talk about one of my upcoming vendor markets that has me EXCITED!

On July 25th, 7pm to 11pm, I will be a vendor for Pretty Girl Market PLUS SIZE EDITION, celebrating curves, body positivity, and just feeling fucking pretty! No matter what size you are, you deserve to feel beautiful, unique, and confident! This world tries to shrink us, tried to take away our flesh, tried to make us feel like we aren’t worthy, and I am here to fight that! With my RubiSlippers Creations I want every person who walks away with one of my Pretty Pink bags to feel loved, confident, and beautiful! That is what this business means to me, that is what I am here for.

If you are a gorgeous Goddess of curves, or even if you aren’t, our world is too ugly, we are too cruel to one another and in this space I occupy I want every kind person to feel welcome, loved, and free to express themselves, just like I have trained myself to do! I faked it till I made it when it came to confidence, but if I can help you on your journey to feel gorgeous, and generate positive self love then Please reach out to me! My inboxes are always open for kindness, or to just be someone to listen. I love my little RubiSlipper Darlings, and you deserve the world!

Here is a Poem I wrote the first time someone called me a Pig, back in 2015

Please, Call me Ms Piggy

Thank you for complimenting on my pink, supple flesh,

Thanks for boosting my ego with your dimwitted trash,

I get off on knowing I piss people off just by being myself,

You have done nothing but make my day and make me scoff,

I just want to say thank you for treating others and me this way, I thank you because it hurts you more than it hurts me, I don’t even have to see your face to know you’re small inside (which you probably don’t mind) but don’t you dare try to dim my chubby shine,

Just because my pig skin and flesh disgust you Doesn’t make me love myself any less,

In fact it perpetuates my ideals, it catalyzes my inspiration and turns it into fire,

Sure I can roast myself all day in the mirror, Picking at every piece of myself you deem fat and grotesque, eating my own bacon slices,

But instead in the mirror all I see is that I’m blessed,

Blessed with a beautiful, robust temple that only God and my parents could give me And I thank my lucky stars for it every day, My piggish body, no matter how fuzzy and lovely, or how fat you may find it, carries me,

My body carries me, laughs for me, loves for me, represents all of my inner self for me, So thank you and Fuck off for your attempt at cruelty but I grew up with the Muppets Bitch, and Ms. Piggy was always my favorite.

*Dedicated to the anon who felt it necessary to call me a pig. Thanks*

Rubsta 7.9.15.


Surreal Summer